ES6 | Animation
In ES6 JavaScript, Animation can be done in two ways. The ES6 JavaScript can be used to move <div>, <img>, and so many other HTML element....
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How I cracked my ATMECS Interview ?
About ATMECS...
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HTTP headers | Set-Cookie2
The HTTP Set-cookie2 is response type header and it is obsoleted. It is a provider of the mechanism to serve and retrieve state information from the client to the server. The usage of this command is usually replaced by the set cookie instead of the set cookie2. The usage of this command cookie2 is obsoleted by the RFC 6265....
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ES6 Multimedia
JavaScript multimedia basically used to include any movies, audios, text, and music, etc in the web application. To use these multimedia objects in web application JavaScript provide a way, that is known as JavaScript multimedia. In this case, multimedia in JavaScript having a navigator object which includes child objects named plug-ins. These plug-ins are of array type and contain one entry of each plug-in installed on the browser. Plug-ins are small programs that extend the functionality of a browser. Plug-ins: This are added to an HTML page using <embed> and <object> tag....
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What is the use of star-preceded property in CSS ?
It is a simple hack also known as the ‘* property hack’. It is useful when it comes to dealing with the older versions of Internet Explorer (i.e. IE6 and IE7). When we add * before any property name in CSS, it targets IE 7 and below version of IE browsers and reflects when loading the same CSS on the browser while it acts as junk for all other browsers including IE 8 and above....
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HTTP headers | Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only
The HTTP Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only is a response header which sends report to the report-uri specified in the header if any pinning violation is done. But, unlike Public-Key-Pins it still allows browsers to connect to the server and don’t print any error message on the screen if the pinning is violated....
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Amazon Alexa Hackathon Experience
Recently I have attended a 30 hour Hackathon on Amazon Alexa skills....
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PHP | date_create_immutable_from_format() Function
The date_create_immutable_from_format() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to parse a time string according to the specified format....
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Python program for addition and subtraction of complex numbers
Given two complex numbers z1 and z2. The task is to add and subtract the given complex numbers.Addition of complex number: In Python, complex numbers can be added using + operator.Examples:...
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Read JSON file using Python
The full form of JSON is JavaScript Object Notation. It means that a script (executable) file which is made of text in a programming language, is used to store and transfer the data. Python supports JSON through a built-in package called JSON. To use this feature, we import the JSON package in Python script. The text in JSON is done through quoted-string which contains the value in key-value mapping within { }....
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Types of JVM Garbage Collectors in Java with implementation details
prerequisites: Garbage Collection, Mark and Sweep algorithm...
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Analyzing selling price of used cars using Python
Now-a-days, with the technological advancement, Techniques like Machine Learning, etc are being used on a large scale in many organisations. These models usually work with a set of predefined data-points available in the form of datasets. These datasets contain the past/previous information on a specific domain. Organising these datapoints before it is fed to the model is very important. This is where we use Data Analysis. If the data fed to the machine learning model is not well organised, it gives out false or undesired output. This can cause major losses to the organisation. Hence making use of proper data analysis is very important....
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